About Lify Air

Lify Air is a French startup, created in December 2018 and based in Orleans, that provides a global solution for pollen allergy prevention and provides pollen data to various sectors.



Lify Air was born from the observation of its two co-founders, Jérôme Richard and Johann Lauthier, of the difficulty, as a pollen allergy sufferer, to find information that would allow you to anticipate and therefore prevent your allergy attacks. A few months later, thanks to a collaboration with the CNRS, the first miniaturized sensor, allowing to measure and identify pollens locally, in real time and at an affordable cost, was born.

The team

Jérôme Richard
Johann Lauthier
Lead Dev
Louis Richard
Dev Fullstack
Nawal Zakarya
Dev Frontend
Guillaume Devillieres
Houssam El Azari
Electronic Technician
Matthieu Jeannot
Cheffe de projet marketing et communication
Armelle Coueille
Cheffe de projet marketing et communication
Angélique Paget

Our scientific collaborations

L’ADN de Lify Air est fermement ancré dans la recherche et la collaboration scientifique. Nous avons le privilège de mener nos travaux avec les meilleurs laboratoires de recherche français.

Particle identification

We carry out our research on particle counting and discrimination in collaboration with the LPC2E laboratory of the CNRS.

Artificial intelligence models

We work jointly with this digital science lab on the development of our proprietary AI algorithms. 

Artificial intelligence models

We work jointly with this mathematical research lab on the development of our proprietary AI algorithms. 

Our awards

French Tech Deep tech 2020 grant

Laureate of the i-Lab 2020 competition

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